Videogames are such a big mess! There's a lot of stuff to do: missions to accomplish, enemies to kill, levels to up... But what about their inner workings? Who are the people who actually make those amazing things do the things they do?

Well, today's your lucky day! Because you're going to be taking the role of one of the most important jobs in the videogame industry: The UI Manager!

That's right! Look for the changes that the player make to the game state, memorize them y apply them in the same order to keep your players happy.

Show them that if they killed a monster, they don't see their healthbar lose points!


Controls: (Only keyboard is supported)

  • Z: Increase the HP of the player's healthbar
  • X: Decrease the HP of the player's healthbar
  • N: Decrease the HP of the enemies' healthbar
  • M: Kill an enemy by removing them from the screen



A big thanks the real player of the game: you! I hope you have enjoyed as much as I did making it!


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Qué original y vaya temazo la BSO jajaj